Monday, December 27, 2004

Unknowingly hip is the hippest kind of hip

Gawker has a post on the Christmas Night bar crawl its writer(s) took through the Lower East Side. And I was, like, so there, checking out those very same bars on December 25th. Doing something done by Gawker, before knowing Gawker was doing it...that may have been the official peak of my hipsterness. Plans today include a stop at a coffee shop on the Upper East Side, so my hipster quotient is already far from its once-trememdous heights. Expect my H.Q. to dip still further in a few weeks, when I'm back at the Reg, studying, and unironically consuming a Twix and a diet Coke.


Phoebe Maltz Bovy said...


That made more sense than anything I could come up with in French. And it's always good to know that, in being completely unhip, I am in fact still hip in the minds of some.

Phoebe Maltz Bovy said...

That's probably true.