Monday, October 04, 2004

For those who haven't already seen this: My discussion with Will Baude and Jacob Levy about desolate, GAP-less Hyde Park.

The mystery of what Will Baude looks like (not a mystery to me, having gone to school with him for a few years, but nevertheless a point of interest to some) has been solved, sort of. The Baude bio includes a confusing picture of part of the face of someone I'm assuming is, in fact, Will, as well as--and this is why I'm linking to it--a reprint of exerpts of my blogversation with him and, eventually, Jacob Levy of Volokh, about "Hyde Park amenities." This particular conversation over blogs was what sprung me, headfirst (or, really, keyboard-first, if that makes sense, which it doesn't) into the blogosphere. So any social skills I've lost or computer skills I've gained (oh, how the two go hand in hand) have that discussion to thank.

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